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Institution of Marriage

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Bride Purchase

Women for Women International
Women for Women International is a non-profit organization that is trying to help women who face or have faced domestic violence. Women for Women International supports the most marginalized women in countries affected by conflict and war. Our programs enable them to earn and save money, improve health and well-being, influence decisions in their home and community, and connect to networks for support. By utilizing skills, knowledge, and resources, women are able to create sustainable change for themselves, their family, and community. (“The Reality of Domestic Violence for Women in Nigeria)
Their mission being to help less fortunate women. Women for Women International not only helps women in Nigeria, but also Afghanistan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kosovo, Iraq, Rwanda, and South Sudan. Each of these countries needing help with different topics, all involving women.

What Have They Done For Nigeria?
Women for Women International has created a program that helps and offers Nigerian women a way to take control of their life once again. They have also brought awareness to women in local communities on their rights and avenues to seek redress in cases of abuses. They have informed many women about the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act of 2015, their human rights, and printed manuals for better understanding (Women for Women). Women for Women International helps these different countries in Africa, with the same intention and hope, to make a difference in how women are treated and what they face.