Bride Purchase

Institution of Marriage

Bride Purchase

Bride Purchase

Non-Profit Organizations
There are several non-profit organizations that specifically help Nigerian women who have faced domestic violence. A non-profit organization is a tax-exempt business and relies on donations from donors and from fundraising activities. Non-profit organizations must have public records of the money contributed, thus insuring the donors that the money they give is being used for the right reason.
“Nonprofit designation and tax-exempt status is given to an organization that furthers religious, scientific, charitable, educational, literary, public safety or cruelty prevention causes or purposes. It must also generate some public benefit” (Investopedia).
Many of the non-profit organizations today specialize in a specific area. Domestic violence is one of the specific areas that many of these organizations specialize in. Currently there are multiple organizations that are making efforts in trying to help those who have been affected by domestic violence, along with other organizations who are trying to help prevent and stop domestic violence against women in Nigeria.