Bride Purchase

Institution of Marriage

Bride Purchase

Bride Purchase

KIND, Kudirat Initiative for Democracy, is a non-profit organization that has the sole purpose of demolishing barriers for women and helping with violence against women in Nigeria.
Their mission statement being, “KIND stands for the Kudirat Initiative for Democracy, a not-for-profit organization based in Lagos, Nigeria. We work primarily in Nigeria in the areas of leadership development for young women and on collaborative projects aimed at removing barriers to women’s public participation and ending violence against women” (“Kudirat Initiative For Democracy.”).
While Kudirat Initiative for Democracy does not only focus on violence against women, it still makes a huge impact in helping women. Because patriarchy plays so large a role in allowing domestic violence, the Kudirat Initiative for Democracy’s goal is to help solve that issue, along with violence against women is very helpful. For domestic violence against women in Nigeria to be resolved, or even reduced, the idea of men being superior needs to be gone first.

While Kudirat Initiative for Democracy does not only focus on violence against women, it still makes a huge impact in helping women. Because patriarchy plays so large a role in allowing domestic violence, the Kudirat Initiative for Democracy’s goal is to help solve that issue, along with violence against women is very helpful. For domestic violence against women in Nigeria to be resolved, or even reduced, the idea of men being superior needs to be gone first.

What has KIND done for Nigeria?
Kudirat Initiative has done multiple events, including lectures, lessons, and different projects, all of which have helped women in Nigeria.